Monday, July 28, 2008

Big floods in Romania

Hello everybody. I haven't wrote anything for a long time.I was quite busy ,enjoying my summer holiday.The bad thing is that the weather here is really bad. At least last week has been horrible. There have been strong storms everyday and the bad thing is that a lot of people have been affected by the huge floods.Something like 5 people have died and situation is not very good right now.

I will go back in Kemi on the 20 of August and i really cant wait to start school , because it's quite boring to stay each day without doing anything.That's about all from Romania for the moment.I hope to come with some better news in a short period of time.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Bremen musicants

Eurotrip and Hindi music

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Hello you guys.Now i am writing from Amsterdam.Last week i have started toghether with my friends a journey through out Europe.I have visited Sweden,Danmark,Germany,Belgium and Holland.Also i think we will have a small stop in Oslo but that's not sure yet.We will have to see how we will manage it.Anyway that's about all for tonight, because i am so fu*** tired.More to come next week when i will be home.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Aurora Borealis!

Last night it was the first time i have managed to catch the Aurora on my camera.You can't even imagine how beautiful it was.That's why i have put here some pictures.Just tell me what do you think.

Monday, February 25, 2008

This is to much!!

A week ago i have received a mail from one person with the title "horrible".I didn't knew what to expect and i was thinking that it is just another spam and i almost delete-it with ought reading it.Anyway i opened the mail and inside i have found a long list of names from all over the world and a few lines about animal protection.Also there was a link to a web page where i have found a shocking movie.I have putted here also,but i warn you that PERSONS WITH WEAK HEART should not watch it.

Pledge to go fur-free at

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


My friend Esa,it's on the point of wining a great trip.You can help him do that.It doesn't take a lot of time and i think he is going to be really gratefully for your help.Because everything is in finnish , i have put here some instructions.And don't forget, you can win also a trip to Europe each day.So....give him as many votes as u can.Here you can vote!
first box you choose eith who do you want me to go with
second box you choose my name that is esa of course
third box you choose New York...
then you need to give some info about youre self
Etunimi: first name
sukunimi: family name
IKÄ:you're age
katuosoite: street address
postinumero:post number/zip code
postitoimipaikka: the city were you live
puhelinnumero: you're phone number
sähköpostiosoite: youre e-mail

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Some Party Music....have fun

Party Mix NO.1

Party Mix NO.2

Listen to those songs.I am sure it will bring a lot of memories in your head.Have fun and blast the speakers.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Be Vewy Qwiet, I’m Hunting Wabbits!

Hello you guys.Long time no see.Life is getting more and more full of surprises for me in Kemi.Today i had just been to the shooting range with Miko, a finn from Tornio.It was so nice.First we had been to his grandma ma's house and she served us with tea,coffee,pizza and of course cookies .She was so kind with us and those moments reminded me of my grandparents from Romania and the moments we usually spend together .
After that we haded towards the shooting range.We had 3 guns with us.My body was full of adrenaline because this was my first time when i was touching a real gun.
I have tried the first gun.BUUUUM .....The next one was the shotgun.Again BUMMMM....Finally i have tried the small caliber one which is used to shoot rabbits and other small animals.
Anyway i have put here some pictures and a video so you can see how was my day.I hope you'll enjoy them...because i really did.