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Long time since i haven't written something here, but i guess now it's the perfect time.It's 12:00 in the midnight and i think i have some problems with sleeping.I have messed up my schedule totally, but somehow i have the feeling that i will survive.Can't wait for tomorrow to party again with my new classmates from Chalmers.There is going to be this big Halloween party at the University (FESTU) which of course i could not miss it. School is going great so far, a lot of reading , but nothing i can't handle.There are going to be some interesting projects this period including one that will involve VOLVO .That's quite cool and i really think this will be a great experience for me.At the moment i am still looking for a job, but with this crisis this doesn't seem to be a very easy thing.Actually this week i had one day job.Nothing fancy but still quite interesting.There has been this big high level meeting in Goteborg regarding the safety on roads , where something like 200 EU commissioners have been present.My job was to mingle among them and try to answer their questions. Of course there where not that many questions unfortunately,but still i got the chance to meet some important figures from all over Europe. I was expecting to see some Romanian representation as well, but i guess they are more "busy" with other things....what the hell ..who needs safety on the Romanian roads.
That's all for now....guess i will try to watch a movie, and then again..fight with the sleep.