Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Finally Home
But now everything changed and the magic vanished.It's like in that movie "Polar Express" ,i just can't hear the bells any more.Yeh , it's nice but it's not the same and i think that i can't change anything from this,at leas not now.
Anyway , i hope that all of you will enjoy those moments because those are the most important things from our life.
Down here i have put a small video with one of our tradition for the New Year which it's called the Bear Dance .It is said that this ritual scares the evil spirits and makes way for a good and a better year.Enjoy...
I wish you all,
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
Craciun fericit si un An Nou fericit!
Hyvää Joulua or Hauskaa Joulua - 0nnellista uutta vuotta
Pozdrevlyayu s prazdnikom Rozhdestva i s Novim Godom
Boas Festas e um feliz Ano Novo
and see you all next year
Friday, December 7, 2007
Believe it or not.....
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Finnish Independece day party....
Enjoy :) !!
Friday, November 30, 2007
Pedestrian crossings,what a mess

In some cities from Mother Russia authorities really take good care of pedestrians. Sometimes, too much, making the pedestrian crossings like this one.I guess it should be really risky to cross the road over there:)
1 of December...Romania's Independece day

On December 1, 1918 (November 18 Old Style), the National Assembly of Romanians of Transylvania and Hungary, consisting of 1,228 elected representatives of the Romanians in Transylvania, Banat, Crişana and Maramureş, convened in Alba Iulia and decreed (by an unanimous vote).
The Assembly also formed from 200 of its members, plus 50 co-opted members a High National Romanian Council of Transylvania, the new permanent parliament of Transylvania.
The next day, on December 2, 1918 the High National Romanian Council of Transylvania formed a government under the name of Directory Council of Transylvania (Consiliul Dirigent al Transilvaniei), headed by Iuliu Maniu.
On December 11, 1918, King Ferdinand signed the Law regarding the Union of Transylvania, Banat, Crişana, the Satmar and Maramureş with the Old Kingdom of Romania, decreeing that
If you want to find out more ...just check's our best friend.
Last year i had been to the parade held in Bucharest near the Triumph Arc.This year i will just have to put a flag at my window and hope that Finnish guys won't think that i am strange guy.
Even if we can't celebrate our Independence Day , we will try to have fun next week when it's Finland's birthday.
Last but not least i had put a small movie i had made last year where you can see the Hummers of the Romanian Army...enjoy :)
Monday, November 26, 2007
Mama i am coming home....'s official i am going home on 19 of December.I am really happy.At firs i said to myself that i won't go home for Christmas,but i just can't imagine myself ,here ,alone in Kemi.It's to damn difficult .Christmas is really important for me and if i wont be with my family i think i would be really depressed .I have to apologize to Ruxi and Dima because i wont be with them for the New Year , but i think this is a small sacrifice that i have to make.
Meanwhile in Kemi ,right now life it's a little bit boring.We had an exam at UML last week and i am really sick and tired of all those diagrams.But still we have to deal with them until the end of the year when SDP course will end.In rest everything is alright. We'll have a party on the 6 of December i guess ,the party for Independence Day, and i really i hope i will have fun there.
That's all for now ,i will try to write more next week.Take care and don't forget ...Dracula is in Kemi until December:)....

Saturday, November 17, 2007
Winter holidays are coming fast....

What else happens on Friday?...well everyone is trying to hook-up with everybody,love is in the air and if you succeed to go home with someone it means you are lucky:).I had really been lucky since i came here and i really hope that my luck won't change to soon.
About Winter holidays i don't have to much to say unfortunately.I think i will spend it alone in Kemi because everyone is going home.Actually i wont be alone...i will have Nastia's cat with me and Natasha's Xbox,so things are not as bad as they look.
What about you guys?Is anyone else staying in Finland for the Christmas holiday?If you are please announce me.Maybe we can organize something.
Also for the New Year me,Ruxi and Dima we will go to Sweden by boat.Fell free to join us because i really think we are going to have a lot of fun.
That's all for now.I wait for your comments and for your ideas about spending the holidays.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
You give me citizenship i'll make you childrens....

What does the title tells you?A good friend of mine said this phrase a few days ago.Maybe you wonder why?Why would a Romanian need another citizenship?It's very least for some of us.Everything started with one Romanian gypsy killer from Italy,thy guy who killed the wife of an officer from Rome.We were just talking about this case and we started to wonder if there is any point of going back to Romania.Everyone from Europe is now afraid of us because they think that we are killers and thief.The problem is that most of them don't differentiate romanian from gypsy.We also have problems whit them in our country.Most of them don't do anything else beside stilling ,killing ,drugs ,prostitution and other things like those.I am not a racist but i can tell you for sure that those guys really pissed me out.Sometimes i am really ashamed to be a romanian even if i shouldn't be.
The bad part about all this thing is that the Romanian government doesn't do anything about this.The external-relation minister of Romania just told a few days ago to press that after him the simplest solution would be to send the gypsy who committed crimes in the desert in Egypt.Fuck...that's not a bad idea :)...but i am really concern that they will destroy and steal the beautiful things of Egypt(pyramids for example)
So i think that they should try and find some better solutions for this problem.They should make more drastic laws and they should better stop protecting them so much, even if they are a minority.We should find them a special place and put them all there....something like Gypsy-Land.
In Finland fortunately we don't have any problems with gypsy.There are something like 2000 gypsy all over the country,and most of them don't do anything wrong.
That's all i had to say.If you have a different opinion please don't hesitate to share it with us.
And to show you that i am not against all gypsy i have put here a video with a gypsy song which i really like.Enjoy....

This is my first post for this blog.It's nothing fancy ...just a few words about life in Finland view thought the eyes of student living abroad.I will try to put here the most important things which happened to me in the past and in the future.
The first time i came to Finland was this year(2007) from January until April.I came here as an exchange student,Erasmus.
When we first arrived in Finland we were thrilled.It was something new for me and for my other colleagues.I had never thought that i will have the opportunity to live in such a country.It's really different from Romania and from the other country i had visited.
The city in which we had to go was Kemi.From Helsinki to Kemi we toked the train and we traveled for about 9 hours.We where so damn tired but it was nice.Everything was dark outside and that's why we couldn't admire Finland that day.We arrived in Kemi at about 05:00 o'clock.Someone was expecting us with a car.Even if outside was still dark you could see everything basically because of the snow. The guys who toked us from train-station where really cool.They were students.We where all fascinated because everything was looking like in fairytale.You couldn't see any movement,it was like everything was frozen in time .
That's basically our first experience in Finland.I know that you will say that is nothing special about this,but trust me if you would have been in my place you would have thought the same.
That's all for now.
Sincerely yours,
Dracula from Romania
P.S (more of my experiences soon)