This is my first post for this blog.It's nothing fancy ...just a few words about life in Finland view thought the eyes of student living abroad.I will try to put here the most important things which happened to me in the past and in the future.
The first time i came to Finland was this year(2007) from January until April.I came here as an exchange student,Erasmus.
When we first arrived in Finland we were thrilled.It was something new for me and for my other colleagues.I had never thought that i will have the opportunity to live in such a country.It's really different from Romania and from the other country i had visited.
The city in which we had to go was Kemi.From Helsinki to Kemi we toked the train and we traveled for about 9 hours.We where so damn tired but it was nice.Everything was dark outside and that's why we couldn't admire Finland that day.We arrived in Kemi at about 05:00 o'clock.Someone was expecting us with a car.Even if outside was still dark you could see everything basically because of the snow. The guys who toked us from train-station where really cool.They were students.We where all fascinated because everything was looking like in fairytale.You couldn't see any movement,it was like everything was frozen in time .
That's basically our first experience in Finland.I know that you will say that is nothing special about this,but trust me if you would have been in my place you would have thought the same.
That's all for now.
Sincerely yours,
Dracula from Romania
P.S (more of my experiences soon)
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