Yep...it's official i am going home on 19 of December.I am really happy.At firs i said to myself that i won't go home for Christmas,but i just can't imagine myself ,here ,alone in Kemi.It's to damn difficult .Christmas is really important for me and if i wont be with my family i think i would be really depressed .I have to apologize to Ruxi and Dima because i wont be with them for the New Year , but i think this is a small sacrifice that i have to make.
Meanwhile in Kemi ,right now life it's a little bit boring.We had an exam at UML last week and i am really sick and tired of all those diagrams.But still we have to deal with them until the end of the year when SDP course will end.In rest everything is alright. We'll have a party on the 6 of December i guess ,the party for Independence Day, and i really i hope i will have fun there.
That's all for now ,i will try to write more next week.Take care and don't forget ...Dracula is in Kemi until December:)....

pomana porcului, dud! :D
calare pe el o sa fiu....nu scapa de data asta de mine...ii mananc si coada si urechile
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