Saturday, November 17, 2007

Winter holidays are coming fast....

Hello you guys, long time no see.Probably you are asking how do we spend out time , here in Kemi.Well most of the days we just go to school and that's about all.But on Friday night things start to change.Usually we go to Hullu Pohjola , a local club from Kemi.It's not something fancy , but at least this is one of the places in Finland where you can listen to Akcent and O-zone :))....Before going to Hullu we usually drink something back home , because if you want to get drunk into the club it's really difficult , everything is so fucking expensive.Even if i don't like drinking that much i think at this point i really miss Romania.Everything is so damn cheep in my country.In Finland , with 10 euro you buy something like 3 beers if you are lucky.In Romania with 10 euro you'll be drunk for two days.
What else happens on Friday?...well everyone is trying to hook-up with everybody,love is in the air and if you succeed to go home with someone it means you are lucky:).I had really been lucky since i came here and i really hope that my luck won't change to soon.
About Winter holidays i don't have to much to say unfortunately.I think i will spend it alone in Kemi because everyone is going home.Actually i wont be alone...i will have Nastia's cat with me and Natasha's Xbox,so things are not as bad as they look.
What about you guys?Is anyone else staying in Finland for the Christmas holiday?If you are please announce me.Maybe we can organize something.
Also for the New Year me,Ruxi and Dima we will go to Sweden by boat.Fell free to join us because i really think we are going to have a lot of fun.
That's all for now.I wait for your comments and for your ideas about spending the holidays.

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