In some cities from Mother Russia authorities really take good care of pedestrians. Sometimes, too much, making the pedestrian crossings like this one.I guess it should be really risky to cross the road over there:)
The Assembly also formed from 200 of its members, plus 50 co-opted members a High National Romanian Council of Transylvania, the new permanent parliament of Transylvania.
The next day, on December 2, 1918 the High National Romanian Council of Transylvania formed a government under the name of Directory Council of Transylvania (Consiliul Dirigent al Transilvaniei), headed by Iuliu Maniu.
On December 11, 1918, King Ferdinand signed the Law regarding the Union of Transylvania, Banat, Crişana, the Satmar and Maramureş with the Old Kingdom of Romania, decreeing that
If you want to find out more ...just check Google....it's our best friend.
Last year i had been to the parade held in Bucharest near the Triumph Arc.This year i will just have to put a flag at my window and hope that Finnish guys won't think that i am strange guy.
Even if we can't celebrate our Independence Day , we will try to have fun next week when it's Finland's birthday.
Last but not least i had put a small movie i had made last year where you can see the Hummers of the Romanian Army...enjoy :)